Tuesday, 13 May 2014

I Like Food, Food Is Good!


I think everyone that knows me or follows my Instagram knows how much I love food. It was never really much of a problem until now.. well, it's not a massive problem but I'm just feeling a bit blah, as you know from my last blog post.
Today I got stuck in a dress in Topshop- for 15 minutes! I was pulling an upset pouty face whilst I snapped this btw (just so you can get the whole mood and setting of the photo)-
Fuck you size 10 dress, fuck you Topshop. It wasn't a nice dress anway. All that trouble for nothing. To be fair the biggest fuck you is to myself for even thinking I was still a size 10! Fuck You Caz.

I know there are bigger things to worry about in the world than my weight and my dress size, but I will be narcissistic here for a moment. I just don't feel comfortable in myself currently. I'm not large by any means, I am just bottom heavy.. which is not a bad thing in my book. I just don't enjoy my wobbly thighs. I just need more motivation and go to the gym more than once every two weeks..

Before having my Bag I was a size 10 with a cider belly. I was vegetarian nearing on vegan, I ate so well and wasn't worried about my weight, I don't think I ever really cared, I was too busy having a laugh and drinking every weekend, my cider belly made me laugh and I was loving Newbury town (lol why oh why).
I stopped being veg maybe 4 or 5 months after having the bag. If the bag wasn't there who knows if I'd still be vegetarian? 
Where I lost so much weight due to being ill, I saw it as an excuse to stuff my face with anything and everything I wanted. I gained the weight back a couple months later but I've just been stuffing myself since.
Now I don't work in H&M anymore and I'm not constantly running around on my feet I guess I've slowly just been gaining weight. I am a pizza lover, I could live off pizza. And burgers. And curry...

My diet completely changed after surgery, I wasn't allowed a lot of stuff I was so used to eating. Brown rice, brown bread, a whole lot of fibre, fruit and veg. 
I miss eating salads- they give me a blockage. It's pointless me even eating them anyway as I don't get the nutrients from them.
I haven't completely banished the greens though, I have lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber here and there, say in sandwiches but I can't eat a whole lot of it like I used to. I am wanting to try juicing though and I'm thinking about treating myself to a good juicer come pay day.
Eating healthy is something I want to be better at; I'm trying. I want to feel better in myself and by doing this I think I will. 

Anyone else attempting healthy eating? What about juicing?


P.S. This is the song that's in my blog title. Descendents are my favourite band ever, check them out :)

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